A Guide to Hair Braids

There’s something about braids. For many of us, it’s a look that can take us back to younger, simpler days and some slight nostalgia for one of the first hairstyles we ever learnt to do. But braids can also be super intricate and detailed, making them the perfect choice for levelling up your look. With origins tracing more than 5000 years back to African culture, braids have been embraced by people all over the world. So whether you’re getting sweaty in the gym, or heading off to a glam event, here’s our guide to our favourite braiding styles to experiment with and enjoy. 

What’s So Great About Hair Braids?

Braids can come in all shapes and sizes, meaning there are styles for both short and long hair. And not only are they versatile and stylish, they also protect your hair from damage. By braiding your hair at night you can prevent bed hair and reduce tugging on your locks through the night, in turn lessening the chance of breakage. They are also a great choice on a not-so-good hair day, or when you haven’t had time to wash your hair but unexpectedly need to head out the door. 

The Most Popular Styles 

Braids are a look that will never go out of style. Summery or formal, classic or contemporary, here’s a guide to some of our favourite braids, suitable for any occasion. 

Classic Three Strand Braid

It’s the OG braid. This three strand braid can be worn as two plaits, or as a single braid going over the shoulder or down your back. A three strand braid is also a great way to protect your hair at night while you sleep or create some insta-curls come morning. The three strand method can also be used for something cute and fun such as baby braids where you can braid small pieces to frame your face. 

French/Dutch Braid 

The French braid is a timeless variation of the three strand braid. In this braid, more hair is added to each section as you braid. For a formal look, keep it super sleek, or for a more romantic feel pull out some face framing pieces. A French braid is a great way of getting natural curls too. Simply braid your hair when it is 90% dry after washing at night and wake up with beachy, wavy goodness. A Dutch braid is a French braid done in reverse, where the sections of additional hair are flipped under the middle section. This means the braid will stand out from your head, rather than lying flat. 

Halo Braid

A halo braid is super romantic and regal. It’s also a great way to keep your hair off your neck and face during the hot summer months. To get a halo braid, weave two Dutch braids around your head and pin them in place like a crown braid to create a halo effect. 

Fishtail Braid 

For a fishtail braid, start by separating your hair into two sections. Take a very small piece from under one of the sections, and pull it across to the centre of the opposite section. Pull tight and repeat. The end result is an elaborate layered look that is sure to turn heads.

Braid Decoration 

Braids make an ideal canvas for a bit of decoration. You can personalise your look by adding accessories such as clips, ribbons, or even weaving in something like a thin gold chain throughout the braid itself.

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