Best Vitamins to Boost Hair Growth

We are what we eat, and like any other part of your body, your hair needs health and nutrition in order to be able to grow well. Vitamins make up some of the building blocks of hair and diet and supplements can help us improve issues such as brittle and dry hair, as well as hair loss. Here’s our guide to the best vitamins to boost hair growth and get healthy, luscious locks. 

Vitamins and Hair Health 

Hair needs a well-balanced variety of nutrients to be healthy and grow. Here are some of the main vitamins linked to hair growth which you can support with a healthy diet or supplements. We have also linked to some of our favourite vitamin packed Redken products. 

Vitamin A 

Vitamin A is necessary for cell growth, and hair needs this vitamin as hair has some of the fastest replicating cells in the body. It also helps the skin glands make sebum which moisturises the scalp and keeps hair healthy. Foods for Vitamin A include kumara, pumpkins, spinach, kale, milk, eggs and yoghurt. 

B Vitamins

B Vitamins such as biotin are important for cell growth. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that helps break down fats and carbohydrates and supports the growth of hair, skin and nails. By increasing biotin you can help speed up hair growth. Foods rich in biotin include egg yolks, wholegrains and meat. 

Extreme Length Triple Action Treatment Mask contains biotin to help promote a healthy scalp, strengthen lengths and reduce split ends.

Redken Shine Flash anti-frizz shine spray uses Vitamin B5 to moisturise and add shine.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against stress from free radicals (which can block hair growth). It is also needed to make collagen and can help prevent hair from ageing, as well as help reduce dry hair and split ends. Good sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruit such as oranges, leafy greens and capsicums. 

Blondage High Bright Pre-Shampoo treatment and the Blondage High Bright Shampoo and Conditioner are powered by Vitamin C to prep and clarify hair and help keep blondes light and bright. 

Fashion Work 12 Versatile Working Spray contains Vitamins C and E to protect hair and prevent colour fade. 

Vitamin D 

A lack of Vitamin D can contribute to hair loss and has been linked to alopecia. The Vitamin is involved in stimulating old and producing new hair follicles so increasing this vitamin can help encourage new hair growth. Sources of Vitamin D include fish, mushrooms, egg yolks, fortified orange juice and milk. Sun exposure is also essential for the body to produce Vitamin D – but remember to wear sunscreen.  

Vitamin E 

 Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help prevent oxidative damage and stress and support healthy scalp and hair. Sources of Vitamin E include seeds, nuts, spinach and avocado. Some studies have found good results from supplementing Vitamin E to treat hair loss. 


Hair loss can be a symptom of hair loss. Good iron levels are required for haemoglobin production, and haemoglobin is required to deliver oxygen to your hair to help it grow and last longer.  In order to up your iron naturally you might like to eat leafy greens, legumes and grass-fed red meat. If you don’t eat red meat, or eat it less than two or three times a week, you might like to consider a supplement.  


Zinc plays an important role in making hair and other cells It also helps keep the oil glands around the hair follicles working properly. In order to boost zinc try shellfish, meat, beans and nuts and seeds.  


Hair is made almost completely of protein. In order to assist hair growth, it is important to eat adequate amounts or supplement if you are not a big meat eater. 

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